Call Us Now: 941-748-8680
A copy of Peninsula’s Customer Relationship Summary is available by clicking here.
We typically recommend a minimum of $250,000 to open accounts. However, we encourage you to give us a call in any event so that we can discuss this further with you. Our fees are based only upon the values of the portfolios under our management. We do not work on commission and we do not sell products such as annuities or mutual funds.
Peninsula is owned and operated by its portfolio managers. The company was founded in 1982 and has been in business for over 35 years. Peninsula is not affiliated with any bank, brokerage firm or other entity and is totally independent.
Peninsula`s staff has professional credentials including the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, the Certified Financial Planner® designation and the Accredited Asset Management Specialist designation. All of our portfolio managers have had extensive experience managing investment portfolios with bank trust departments before joining Peninsula.
Peninsula will, using its best judgment and an analysis of your personal financial situation, structure an investment portfolio designed to accomplish the goals that you and one of our portfolio managers agree upon at the time you become a client. We will use asset allocation as a key tool to attempt to obtain the level of investment return that is appropriate for your circumstances. For example, if a steady level of income to meet living expenses is more important than long-term growth of capital, the portfolio will be designed to produce a steady, secure stream of income. If growth is more important, income will be de-emphasized, while investment in companies we believe are destined to grow in value will be emphasized. Many clients require or desire a balance between these two goals, so we frequently construct appropriately diversified portfolios in an effort to achieve both objectives.
Peninsula has been in business since 1982. The firm is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and has a Fiduciary Duty to all of its clients. Please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to send you a copy of our ADV which will provide further information about our firm. Also note that Peninsula does not take possession of your cash or securities at any time. Your assets are securely held by a designated custodian.
In some cases they may be sold and in some cases they may be kept. This will depend upon several factors. Among the factors considered are (1) whether the security in question fits the appropriate asset allocation, (2) whether we judge the security to be of appropriate quality, (3) what, if any, would be the tax consequences of selling the security, and (4) our ability to follow a particular issue.
Clients receive monthly reports from their custodian. Peninsula also provides additional reports and summaries at the end of each calendar quarter.
After the end of each calendar year, clients receive all of the necessary tax documents to assist in the preparation of their tax returns.
You will have access to your portfolio manager to discuss your account in a personal meeting, by telephone or via email if you choose. Contact is intended to occur at a frequency to best meet the needs of each client. We encourage account reviews between client and portfolio manager at least annually.
Yes, clients can access and view their accounts online if they choose to do so.
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For more information, or to schedule a consultation, call us today at 941-748-8680.